Get Tested Early to Prevent and Even Reverse Early Onset Dementia

Dementia does not happen overnight. It takes 20–30 years for your brain to degenerate enough to start showing significant signs of dementia.

Early risk factors include the following:

Heart Disease/
High Blood Pressure
Sleep Issues
Brain Fog/
Memory Issues
Low Energy/
High Cholesterol Levels
Poor Immune System Function
Anger Issues
History of Brain Injuries/
Chronic Pain
Reproductive Issues
Anyone on multiple medications
A caregiver or family member of someone who is diagnosed with dementia
Dad and baby Girl family

At What Age Should You Get Tested?

A BC/BS study from 2020 showed an increase in dementia cases in the age bracket of those 35–44 years old by 373%. Therefore, we recommend starting testing as early as 35 years old — or earlier if you have the risk factors listed above.

I don't need to get tested now because dementia only occurs in "older" populations right? WRONG!

According to several studies, including the BC/BS study mentioned above, the average age of a person diagnosed with dementia is 49!

The LET'S SAVE MORE LIVES Brain Screening results will show key specific indicators in those who are at a higher risk for dementia at an early stage. The reason this is so important is because research is very clear — the earlier you can detect these indicators, the quicker you can begin to correct the issues leading to a healthier brain, thereby decreasing your risk of diseases such as dementia.